There are many auto repair manuals available on the web but which one is the best. There are many aspects to concider when choosing the right manual for the job. The two biggest things that come to mind is Quaility and Price.
Is the the manual going to contain the information that I need to get the job done and is it easy to navigate so that I'm not spending all day on the computer instead of under the hood. And is this quaility auto repair manual information at cheap enough price that I can be glad I didn't just take it to the shop in the first place. There are two online repair manual options that rate at the top of the list today: ALLDATA and MITCHELL. Both are highly competative in quiality and price. ALLDATA has a monthly subscription for $12.95 and MITCHELL has a monthly subscription for $11.99.
Both offer the ability to print the material and view it 24/7 for the length of the subscription. So which one is better.... Depends on who you ask and I think it is all in what you get used to using. I suggest for the no more than it costs, that you try both and decide for yourself.
ALLDATA is easy to use and contains all of the original manufacture’s repair, diagnostic and repair procedures. Easy to use navigation and search tools allow you to quickly get to the info you need to do the job. Hyperlinks insure that you can get to related info at the push of a button.
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