This Auto Technician Website is a unique and different approach to locating an auto repair shop and or technician. Each registered Tech has to take 25 question test that only the top seasoned and or well educated technicians could pass. offers FREE directory listings for all qualifying technicians that pass the test. This is to help profile your areas of experience to target customers. Did I mention it was free.
For The Consumer: To provide consumers in need of auto repair or maintenance a better, more reliable online resource to research and locate their best choice of an auto repair mechanic or technician suited for their vehicle.
This website has the ability to help both the technicians and the consumer at the same time. It allows a technician to post his or her credentials, promote the facility he/she works at and also provides a place for consumers to search and locate the best technicians for the job the need.
I encourage any automotive technician to check out the website, register and take the test.