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Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Oil Leak from my Chevy 450

Got a Chevy 450 running after setting for several years. Upon starting the oil filter is leaking out the gasket. Tried several different filters and even a new adapter. The filter actually tilts to side when the oil pressure comes up. It like the passage from the oil filter to the engine is plugged and causing it to come out the gasket. Any ideas?


  1. you could try putting in some thinner oil and keeping the car running long enough to warm up and it might clear out the plug causing the problem, also if the plug is made up of water and dirt, or sludge, some detergent might help clean it out. I used to pour a quart of kerosene into my oil a week before changing it to clean my motor, and it worked well. Rislone oil additive does the same thing, but heat will help you most of all, just letting it run, even though it might be leaking oil.

  2. One mechanic I know would wait until the oil was about a quart low,
    then add a quart of ATF and drive it for 100 miles or so over the
    period of a few days.

    ATF is a good lubricant, but you wouldn't want to use it 100% and all
    the time. It is also a good cleaner, like a super-detergent oil.

  3. If the plug is made up of water and dirt, or sludge, some detergent might help clean it out, May be the problem with system also
