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Monday, April 27, 2015

Another Question about my Chevy Malibu

my keyless entry isn' working. i may be buying another. can you program them yourself to work or do you have to have a dealer program it? its to the 2005 Malibu. i just replaced power lock switch. is there any do it yourself ways is what I'm trying to figure out.


  1. Assuming you have a good battery, make sure the battery connector in the keyfob is solid. I have a 2003 Malibu, and the solder weld on one of my fobs broke.

  2. I soldered it yesterday back on. I have to press really hard to even get the trunk to open but i would buy another remote but would like to find out if i could program it or have to take to a dealer to have them do it before i buy

  3. I own a 2008 Malibu and bought a second keyless entry key fob. Before I found it with the Malibu it has to be done by the dealer.

  4. He's right, you are going to have to take it back to the dealer. It is kind of a pain, but at least you'll be able to get it repaired. I have been learning a lot about car repairs recently. I have found that it is usually best to just take it to a professional though.

  5. most fobs for keyless entry have to programmed and brought to dealership, they have the codes required from manufactureres
